2015-2016 Archive

Young Enterprise - Our Nation P6

Young Enterprise was in Primary 6 on Tuesday 7th June 2016.  The children were introduced to lots of  businesses in the British Isles and how important business are.

The "Corner Shop World" was investigated and this was compared to the multi global companies.

A very interestign experience was had by all and Mr Brown and Mr Somerville were delighted by the response of all our children.



P6 become Scientists for the Day

As part of our recent WAU topic on materials the two primary 6 classes carried out a scientific experiment on kitchen roll.

Each group was given a variety of kitchen rolls which the children brought in from home.  The groups then had to devise an investigation to carry out to see which kitchen roll was the most absorbent.

Lots of equipment was left out for the children to use and the children worked very hard to devise their experiment.

All thoroughly enjoyed the P6 science challenge and when mums and dads go out shopping next time, remember the saying, "You get what you pay for."

The dearest kitchen roll, BOUNTY was the overall winner!

Plese look at the photos below.

Sainsbury's Fairtrade Talk for P6

On Friday 26th February both P6 classes were treated to a Fairtrade talk and discussion by Nicky and Mandy from Sainsbury's Craigavon.

The classes found out that Sainsbury's are leading the way with regards Fairtrade and in 2007 became the first supermarket in the UK to convert thier entire banana range to 100% Fairtrade.

Mandy and Nicky left lots of Fairtrade products for the children to sample and a competition to be completed by each child.  

Thank you Mandy and Nicky for the brilliant talk and for all the treats


P6 Farm to Fork Trip

This week, the two P6 classes went on a class trip to Tesco.  The children had a fantastic time investigating where their food comes from.  They had to carry out investigations in the aisles regarding various foods and got to make some tasty snacks with bread cheese and ham.  

The children then got to see the store rooms and freezers at the back of Tesco that the public don't normally get to see.  The children were shocked at how cold the large freezer store is at minus 16 degrees centigrade and didn’t stay in for too long!

After this the children got to see how the bakery department works and helped the bakery team  put the sugar on donuts. 

The final part of the day was a healthy snack of fruit kebabs in the staff canteen. They also got to eat pancakes which had been made specially for them that morning.

This was a fantastic trip which the children really enjoyed and got a lot out of.


P6S Writer of the Month

In P6S, the children have been doing some writing related to our WAU topic of Fairtrade.

Their task was to write a letter to a major Supermarket chain and encourage them to stock more Fairtrade coffee.

It was a really great activity and all the children enjoyed coming up with persuasive reasons and language to persuade their audience to make a positive change. The two videos below, are of the children who wrote the winning letters reading them out.


P6 B Writers of the Month

The children in P6B were challenged to write a letter to a giant supermarket to complain about its lack of Fairtrade coffee options.

The two winners then read their letters out to the rest of the class and were recorded by another child on the recently purchased iPads.  All enjoyed the experience and Mr Brown was delighted with how well the children can complain!!!!

See the videos of the winners below

P6B Rules OK!

It was the turn of P6B to perform during Friday Assembly and what a job they did!

On the theme of Rules, P6B produced drama, poetry and humour to get across how important rules are, both at home and in school.

The class also got participation from several of the teachers in the assembly and several teachers in the assembly told us about a rule which they have at home. 

Well done to all involved! It was superb!!


Check out the photo Gallery and the video below to see how they did.



P6 Viking Boat Hulls investigation

As part of thier WAU topic of Vikings, the P6 classes have been experimenting with boat hulls.

Each child was given the same amount of tinfoil and asked to plan, design and construct a hull to hold the most weight. 

The children then tested thier hulls by placing them in water and adding marbles one at a time to see how many marbles they could hold before sinking.

After this we carried out a plenary session where the children decided if they would make any changes to improve it.