Forest Schools

P4 Forest School 2024: Fractions

Today in Forest School P4 were developing their learning on fractions, with the focus being on equivalent fractions. In pairs and groups, the children filled split hoops into different fractions and filled these with different materials. Some groups investigated filling two sixths of a hoop with different items and then moving the bamboo sticks to see that two sixths were the exact same size as one third.

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P4 Forest School 2024: Symmetry

Today our Primary 4 pupils went outside to continue their current maths topic of symmetry. Some children worked in groups, some in pairs and others by themselves, to create a symmetrical picture on the ground of whatever they wanted. Afterwards, the children had opportunities within the classroom to look at all the photographs and discuss just how symmetrical they were.

This was a great opportunity to extend our Primary 4 pupils' knowledge of symmetry.

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P4 Forest School: Aerial View (With Stranmillis PGCE Students)

P4 had a special Forest School lesson today as they displayed what we do to a group of Stranmillis PGCE Students accompanied by Mrs McClelland. As P4 have been looking at maps in both their 'Life in the Recent Past' and 'Polar Region' topics, it got us talking about birds eye and aerial views. The children, after completing a perimeter walk of the school, had to design an aerial view of the school grounds using only the materials around them.

Each group had a chance to talk about what they made and were questioned by their classmates, encouraging using cross curricular skills and many of the thinking skills and personal capabilities as outlined in the NI Curriculum.

The children also spoke with the visiting students and were great ambassadors for Waringstown Primary School. We're very proud of how well they listened and behaved.

Click 'read more' to see some pictures of today.

P4 Forest School: Shelters

This week in Forest School P4 were given the challenge to make shelters. In groups they had to build shelters using only two sheets of tarpaulin, some clothes pegs and a few bamboo sticks. They were also allowed to use whatever they could find around them, including trees, branches and the fence.

The children all worked very well in their groups and it was interesting to hear of the different problems each group encountered when designing their shelter.

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